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- Member Page | Pink Divas & Gents
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- Early Detection | Pink Divas & Gents
Early Detection Early detection includes doing monthly breast self-exams, and scheduling regular clinical breast exams and mammograms. Learn more about different ways to increase chances for early detection. Signs and Symptoms Many people have different symptoms and some may not experience any symptoms at all. Most people who have symptoms will initially notice only one or two, and the presence of these symptoms doesn’t automatically mean that you have breast cancer. Some symptoms to look out for are : A new lump in the breast or armpit Thickening or swelling in area of the breast Irritation of breast skin Redness or flaky skin in the nipple area or the breast Pain in the nipple area Nipple discharge other than breast milk, including blood Any change in the size or the shape of the breast Pain in any area of the breast You will be able to easily identify any changes in your breasts by doing monthly self-exams. If you notice any unusual changes, be sure to contact your doctor right away . Breast Exams Breast exams are performed by checking the breasts for signs and symptoms of the disease. A breast self-exam is an early detection tool with the use of physical and visual examinations of the breast and gets you familiarized with the way your breasts normally look and feel. Self-exams at least once a month will help you identify any changes such as a new lump or skin changes. This exam can be performed while standing in a mirror or lying down and using three fingers to press firmly on the breast and armpit area. Any changes that are discovered should be reported to your doctor as soon as possible. A clinical breast exam is performed by a healthcare professional that is trained to recognize different types of abnormalities and warning signs. This is another important early detection tool because a professional may notice a spot on the breast that fails to register as a warning in the patient. Mammograms A mammogram is an x-ray of the breast that allows a specialist to examine breast tissue. The breast is exposed to a small dose of ionizing radiation that produces an image of the breast tissue. Mammograms are the best way to find breast cancer early so it’ll be easier to treat before it gets big enough to feel symptoms. Regular mammograms can lower the risk of dying from breast cancer. Mammograms are done by standing in front of a machine. The specialist will place your breast on a plastic plate and another plate will firmly press down on your breast from above. The plates will flatten the breast to hold it still while the x-ray is being taken. These steps are repeated to make a side view and the other breast will be done the same way. Having a mammogram may be uncomfortable and some find it painful, but it only takes a few moments and the discomfort is over. It’s best not to get a mammogram before or during your period because your breasts may be tender or swollen. It’s also best not to wear any deodorant, perfumes, or powders because these products can show up as white spots on the x-rays. You will need to undress from the waist up when getting a mammogram, so wear a top and bottom is advised than wearing a dress.
- Day of Beauty Registration | Pink Divas & Gents
Day of Beauty Please fill out this form to register for Day of Beauty. First name* Last name* Birthday Month Address* Email* Phone* How many years have you been a survivor?* Are you interested in being a model at the Denim & Diamonds Fundraiser Ball on October 12?* Yes! No thank you! Register BACK TO EVENTS HOME
- Events | Pink Divas & Gents
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- Messages of HOPE | Pink Divas & Gents
Messages of HOPE Stories of survivors and encouraging words from supporters. Together we are stronger. SEND A MESSAGE KENITA BELL-PERRY I have been so apprehensive about positing but I know that I need to...2022 was a year I never thought I would have heard the words that forever changed my life, "You are diagnosed with Breast Cancer."...... Read More LINDA SPIVEY I was diagnosed August 2006 lump in breast. I wasn't alarmed because I thought it was just another cyst, so I was planning to have my regular cyst aspiration done until I saw a dimple... Read More RENEE CABRERA When I went to my routine mammogram appointment, a spot on the x-ray was discovered. I was asked to get a biopsy done... Read More LATONYA TEPLAN I discovered a lump in my right breast at Kohls with Nova Mines, Catrice, Andrea and Elena. I asked them to feel what I felt and they encouraged me to contact my doctor... Read More
- About PD&G | Pink Divas & Gents
About Pink Divas & Gents Pink Divas & Gents was founded in 2018 to make a difference in under-served communities who have no knowledge about breast cancer. We are more than willing to provide communities with information and create a safe space to help those who are experiencing breast cancer, so they can better navigate through their journey with love, care, and support from others. Even if you aren’t experiencing breast cancer, it’s better to have this knowledge to pass it down to others. Always remember that you are never alone. Together we are stronger. We’re here to help you win this battle Our Team Meet the people who have come together to make this organization a success Janel Moreland Founder Jennifer Modiest Treasurer Michele McCrary Secretary Arnetta Watkins Member Darryl Pruitt Member Lena Moreland Member Nova Mines Member Carmia Stanovich Member Lisset Lacayo Member Annette Barker Member
- Contact | Pink Divas & Gents
CONTACT US Pink Divas & Gents NFP Organization P.O Box 7193, Westchester, IL 60154 We're here to help. Please fill out the form on the right and our team will be in touch with you as soon as possible. In Regards To: Select One Submit Thanks for submitting!